Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Literacy

Experience the difference

The Interactive Way

It starts with the goals for health and physical education – the knowledge, skills, and confidence for a lifetime of well-being.  If the goals are the why in learning, curriculum is what is taught.  Method is how it’s taught.

The Interactive Way is active, engaged digital learning combined with active, engaged classroom learning.   

In today’s modern world, traditional “sit and get” lectures and old school “gym classes” don’t cut it anymore. The secret sauce is blending curriculum and methods in engaging and digital ways.


Years of experience




Students are “active agents” in their learning experiences.

In a blended environment, the students are doing the thinking, discussing, making, questioning, exploring, collaborating, and reflecting.

The version of blended learning used by Interactive is the flipped classroom.  Digital experiences offer the foundation of knowledge paired with engaging classroom activities.