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iHealth for High School
Comprehensive health education curriculum, scoped and sequenced for the entire semester.
Video lessons paired with formative assessments.
Skillbuilders: “What would you do” scenarios to practice health skills (standards-based assessments).
Classroom activities: Includes wisdom series, mentally stronger series, and brain games.
Additional resources: icebreakers, movement “snacks”, and last impressions (exit reflection).
units of study
Units of Study
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01 Let’s Get Started (25 points)
1.1 Welcome to iHealth (3:19)
1.2 What do I need for iHealth? (1:25)
1.3 What do I need to learn in iHealth? (5:34)
1.4 How am I graded? (1:46)
1.5 What is the best way to take iHealth (1:54)
1.6 What is the iHealth honor code? (1:55)
1.7 Let’s Review
1.8 Skill Builders – MV-II
02 Making Healthy Decisions (70 points)
2.1 What is Your Super Power? (Mentally Stronger)
2.2 What does health really mean? (3:07)
2.3 Who is in charge of my health? (3:10)
2.4 How long will I live? (3:54)
2.5 What does quality of life mean? (2:56)
2.6 What are the biggest risk factors? (3:50)
2.7 What are the most significant decisions a person makes? (8:14)
2.8 How should I make decisions? (4:15)
2.9 What is a healthy behavior outcome? (2:46)
2.10 Your Attentive Brain (Brain Games)
2.11 Skill Builders – PHW-II
03 Your Feelings (78 points)
3.1 Healthy Behavior Outcomes (HBOs) – A
3.2 Learn to Fall (Wisdom Series)
3.3 How does my personality affect my health? (4:02)
3.4 What causes stress? (4:44)
3.5 How does stress affect my body? (5:18)
3.6 What’s the best way to deal with stress? (7:03)
3.7 What is my self-image? (2:12)
3.8 How do I boost my self-esteem? (3:32)
3.9 How do I cope with my emotions? (1:58)
3.10 What are defense mechanisms? (3:09)
3.11 Your Compassionate Brain (Brain Games)
3.12 Skill Builders – MEH-II
04 More About Your Feelings (57 points)
4.1 Healthy Behavior Outcomes (HBOs) – B
4.2 Negative Thoughts (Mentally Stronger)
4.3 How do I express my feelings in a healthy way? (6:42)
4.4 Are mental disorders real? (2:52)
4.5 Are there different types of mental disorders? (7:39; 7:05)
4.5 Are there different types of mental disorders? (7:39; 7:05)
4.6 How do I deal with setbacks? (3:30)
4.7 What are the signs of depression? (3:08)
4.8 What is love? (5:18)
4.9 What should I do when I get angry? (6:34; 3:24)
4.9 What should I do when I get angry? (6:34; 3:24)
4.10 Your Common Sense Brain (Brain Games)
4.11 Skill Builders – FN-II
05 All in the Family (66 points)
5.1 Healthy Behavior Outcomes (HBOs) – C
5.2 Gratitude Trick (Wisdom Series)
5.3 Are all families alike? (5:55)
5.4 What causes family stress? (6:31)
5.5 What can I do to help keep the family healthy? (5:21)
5.6 How can I reduce family conflict? (3:32)
5.7 Why can’t I make my own rules? (2:27)
5.8 What’s my role in the family? (3:23)
5.9 How do I deal with divorce? (5:44)
5.10 Your Conforming Brain
5.11 Skill Builders – Safety (IIE)
06 My Friends, My Health (77 points)
6.1 Healthy Behavior Outcomes (HBOs) – D
6.2 Gossip (Wisdom Series)
6.3 Are there different types of friends? (4:03)
6.4 How do my friends define me? (3:35)
6.5 What should I look for in a friend? (4:55)
6.6 How can I be a good friend? (2:00)
6.7 Why do problems arise in friendships? (2:59)
6.8 What does a genuine apology look like? (3:46)
6.9 What’s up with cliques? (2:54)
6.10 Your Angry Brain (Brain Games)
6.11 Skill Builders – Violence Prevention (IIF)
6.12 CLAIM YOUR PACE POINTS for staying in the green
07 Out of Harm’s Way (71 points)
7.1 Healthy Behavior Outcomes (HBOs) – E
7.2 Uncomfortable Feelings (Mentally Stronger Series)
7.3 How do most fights start? (4:08)
7.4 Is cyberbullying real? (4:32)
7.5 Can I avoid violent situations? (5:49)
7.6 Is hazing ever acceptable? (2:17)
7.7 Is sexual harassment legal? (2:04)
7.8 How should I act if I am stopped by an officer of the law? (3:00)
7.9 What is distracted driving? (4:20)
7.10 Your Risky Brain (Brain Games)
7.11 Skill Builders – Sexual Health (IIG)
08 Alcohol (83 points)
8.1 Healthy Behavior Outcomes (HBOs) – F
8.2 Value Uncertainty (Wisdom Series)
8.3 Why do so many people drink alcohol? (6:12)
8.4 If alcohol is a drug, why is it legal? (5:05)
8.5 What does alcohol do to my body? (4:21)
8.6 Are there benefits associated with drinking alcohol? (2:22)
8.7 Why do I have to be 21 years old to consume alcohol? (3:03)
8.8 What is BAC and what does it mean? (4:00)
8.9 What drinking laws do I need to know? (3:34)
8.10 What factors influence drinking? (5:02)
8.11 What is binge drinking? (3:07)
8.12 What is alcoholism? (3:42)
8.13 What is the cost of drinking? (2:06)
8.14 Your Addictive Brain (Brain Games)
8.15 Skill Builders – Alcohol and Other Drugs (IIH)
09 Smoke and Vape (68 points)
9.1 Healthy Behavior Outcomes (HBOs) – G
9.2 Emotional Exhaustion (Mentally Stronger Series)
9.3 Why do people start to smoke? (4:52)
9.4 What does tobacco do to my body? (4:23)
9.5 Are there benefits to smoking? (3:25)
9.6 Why is tobacco legal? (3:31)
9.7 What about vaping? (5:14)
9.8 Is smokeless tobacco safe? (3:14)
9.9 What about secondhand smoke? (2:50)
9.10 How much does it cost to be a smoker? (2:04)
9.11 Is it too late to quit smoking? (4:04)
9.12 Your Intuitive Brain (Brain Games)
9.13 Skill Builders – Smoke and Vapor (III)
10 Substances: Legal and Illegal (69 points)
10.1 Decreased Friction (Wisdom Series)
10.2 Why do people use drugs? (5:29)
10.3 Is there an issue if substances make people feel good? (6:56)
10.4 What’s the difference between legal and illegal substances? (6:09)
10.5 What substances are free from side effects? (5:35)
10.6 What are the most commonly abused substances? (4:21)
10.7 What are the dangers of substance abuse? (3:56)
10.8 Isn’t marijuana legal now? (5:16)
10.9 What is the cost of a dependency? (2:15)
10.10 How can I rise above the influence? (5:32)
10.11 Your Logical Brain
10.12 Show Your Skills – Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD)
10.13 CLAIM YOUR PACE POINTS for staying in the green
11 Reproduction (63 points)
11.1 Evolving Identity (Wisdom Series)
11.2 What causes my body to change? (6:18)
11.3 Am I ready to date? (3:33; 3:48)
11.4 Is everyone sexually experienced? (3:24)
11.5 Is it safe to be sexually intimate? (4:30)
11.6 Does birth control really work? (4:07)
11.7 Is abstinence realistic? (6:34)
11.8 What about self-exams? (4:29; 1:59)
11.9 Your Brain’s Gender
11.10 Show Your Skills – Sexual Health (SH)
12 Infectious and Chronic Diseases (54 points)
12.1 “To Be” Lists (Wisdom Series)
12.2 What’s the difference between bacteria and viruses? (5:40)
12.3 How do germs spread? (7:25)
12.4 What do I need to know about STIs? (3:58)
12.5 What’s the difference between AIDS and HIV? (5:43)
12.6 Why do some people have allergies and some don’t? (5:58)
12.7 Do I have sitting disease? (6:27)
12.8 Your Imaginative Brain (Brain Games)
12.9 Show Your Skills – PHW-III
13 Making Healthy Decisions (63 points)
13.1 The Effect of Context (Wisdom Series)
13.2 How do I set my own health goals? (5:16)
13.3 How can I be a wise consumer? (5:45)
13.4 How does media and technology affect health? (5:58)
13.5 What web sources can I trust? (6:03)
13.6 What are the signs of personal maturity? (5:54)
13.7 How often should I see a doctor? (6:36)
13.8 How much does healthcare cost? (3:59)
13.9 How do I just say no (yes)? (5:06)
13.10 Your Moral Brain
13.11 Show Your Skills – MEH-III
14 Your Nutrition (68 points)
14.1 Multiple Minds (Wisdom Series)
14.2 How many calories do I burn in a day? (4:13)
14.3 How many calories do I burn during physical activity? (5:19)
14.4 What is the real scoop on calories? (3:14)
14.5 How do I make the calories in-calories out connection? (3:05)
14.6 How do I read the nutrition label? (5:53)
14.7 What does the nutrition label tell us? (5:02)
14.8 What is the best food plan? (3:05)
14.9 Can I “out-exercise” poor eating? (4:03)
14.10 What’s the real scoop on bread, carbs, and grains? (5:38)
14.11 What’s the skinny on fats? (2:39)
14.12 Your Food Brain
14.13 Show Your Skills – FN-III
15 Your Movement (66 points)
15.1 Fresh Eyes (Wisdom Series)
15.2 What is physical fitness? (3:12)
15.3 What is the best activity for health and fitness? (2:52)
15.4 How often should I be active? (3:17)
15.5 What does it mean to be physically healthy? (4:23)
15.6 What is the secret to movement? (3:31)
15.7 How does daily movement improve my school day? (5:50)
15.8 Is vigorous movement necessary? (4:56)
15.9 Who is in charge of my movement? (2:37)
15.10 Your Sleeping Brain
15.11 Show Your Skills – MV-III
16 In an Emergency (64 points)
16.1 Show Your Skills – Violence Prevention (VP)
16.2 The Wizard of Us (Wisdom Series)
16.3 How should I respond in an emergency? (5:25; 4:42)
16.4 What is hands only CPR? (5:25; 4:32)
16.5 How do I perform CPR? (6:11; 3:16)
16.6 Should I perform CPR on children? (6:07)
16.7 Your Brain’s Perspective
16.8 Show Your Skills – S-III
17 Organ/Tissue Donation (53 points)
17.1 Your Positive Thinking Brain (Brain Games)
17.2 Why should I sign up to be an organ donor? (1:08)
17.3 Myth busters: what do you know about organ donation?
17.4 How does signing up as a donor help others? (3:24)
17.5 What organs can be donated? (0:54)
17.6 A donor hero story (4:52)
17.7 More Myth Busters
17.8 How are people saved and healed with tissue donation? (2:44)
17.9 What about living donations? (0:59)
17.10 What now? How do I sign up? (1:57)
17.11 Where can I find more information? ( 0:22)
17.12 Tell us what you think.
17.13 Show Your Skills – T
15 Your Movement (66 points)
15.1 Fresh Eyes (Wisdom Series)
15.2 What is physical fitness? (3:12)
15.3 What is the best activity for health and fitness? (2:52)
15.4 How often should I be active? (3:17)
15.5 What does it mean to be physically healthy? (4:23)
15.6 What is the secret to movement? (3:31)
15.7 How does daily movement improve my school day? (5:50)
15.8 Is vigorous movement necessary? (4:56)
15.9 Who is in charge of my movement? (2:37)
15.10 Your Sleeping Brain
15.11 Show Your Skills – MV-III
19 Your Final (152 points)
19.1 Final Examination
Includes teacher resources
movement “snacks”
last impression (exit reflection)

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