Interactive: iHealth

Health curriculum

Profiles in success

Is iHealth right for me?

Yes, especially if you are the new (or only) health teacher

Is this is your first job after graduation? Perhaps you are moving to a new building/district and discover you are starting from scratch. The few lesson plans and resources left behind are old and obsolete.

iHealth allows you to focus on classroom management and school culture rather than spending hours each night creating tomorrow’s lesson.

Yes, especially if you have competing priorities/responsibilities

Do you have coaching responsibilities? Are you the class sponsor, faculty club advisor, or assume other school duties? Maybe you teach multiple subjects with limited prep time. How about changing family and community responsibilities?

It’s better to ask for additional resources when you full plate becomes too full. iHealth is the better alternative to stress, burnout, and teacher turnover.

Yes, especially if you don’t want to be the tech guru

Most teachers went to college to become teachers, not curriculum developers. In fact, creating digital curriculum is a team effort. Expecting one person to concurrently be the curriculum designer and the Edtech specialists is unrealistic.

Building digital curriculum may make sense for the largest districts. In the past large districts didn’t write their own textbooks and very few are writing their own software.
