Interactive: iHealth

Health curriculum

The Relevancy Opportunity

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Below is a snippet from A.J. Juliani’s post, The relevancy problem: What can we do to make learning meaningful? I encourage you to read the entire post.

We already know what works and doesn’t work. Kids are not normally engaged in lectures, textbooks, homework, and traditional assessments. Our best learning experiences as adults didn’t happen when compliance was the focus either. We know what happens when kids can tap into relevancy, and curiosity, and solve problems. We know what happens when students get to work on challenges that are meaningful.

“We know what happens when kids CARE about their learning. Because we know what happens when WE care about our learning.”

Let’s focus on making learning as meaningful and relevant as possible when we have the ability to do so.

Find opportunities to do something amazing.

All the best . . . ~g

Gary Lemke, ​Interactive

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